Instant IEO and Listing Application

Welcome to the Initial Exchange Offering and Token Listing application. Please take your time to answer the questions truthfully and as complete as possible. We at instant bitex appreciate your interest in partnering with us! For any questions on this application, contact us

State your position of the Project (e.g., CEO) *

URL of logo *

Ticker of the Token (e.g. BTC) *

Full name of the Token (e.g. Bitcoin) *

URL of white paper *

How big is your community ? *

If you have a product, how many users are using it ? *

Community URL (Twitter, Facebook etc.) *

Total Supply *

Hard Cap *

Soft Cap *

IEO Price *

IEO start Date *

IEO End Date *

Telegram id *

Website URL *

Smart Contract address URL or Block Explorer URL *

Is the Token considered a security? *

Provide a one-sentence summary for the Project *